发布时间:2015.07.02      来源: 新探健康发展研究中心       浏览量:382      分享:




近期,印第安纳州(Indiana)布莱克福德县(Blackford County)某校的一名教育理事会官员称,他们发现部分学生携带甚至销售食盐、胡椒和糖,以改善学校午餐味道。国会小组成员被告知此消息后,正在考虑是否放松学校午餐营养规范。布莱克福德县教育理事会主席约翰·佩恩(John Payne)说:现在有很多加强呼吁放松规范的事例,这种走私经济只是冰山一角。”2010年,美国曾颁布旨在预防儿童肥胖和改善儿童饮食的健康、无饥饿儿童法案》(Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act),因此政府要求佩恩等本地教育委员会官员对遵守该法案的困难程度给予证实。虽然大多数印第安纳州学校已经获得了2012年生效的新规范合格证,但实际遵守水平却低于其他多数州。印第安纳波利斯《星报》(Indy Star






利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)研究发现,强制规定加工食品减盐指标,有助于降低冠心病发病率,从而减少英国贫困地区死亡人数。研究人员利用模型,将专家对未来政策执行力度的预测、国家健康调查数据和食盐摄入导致心脏病的证据三者相结合,对减盐政策实施过程中的自愿性和强制性进行了对比。研究人员预测,如执行强制规范,促进食品配方降低食盐含量,到2025年则将延迟或避免约4500例心脏病死亡案例,并使贫困群体受益匪浅。据估计,自愿执行的减盐政策或仅可避免1500心脏病死亡案例。研究人员还估计,改进营养成分标示,加强健康教育,或可避免500例心脏病死亡案例。《医学快讯》(Medical Xpress


随着人们对包装食品中某些成分过高的关注不断提高,百事可乐已加强改进力度,降低其在印度销售的饮料和零食中的盐糖含量。印度食品安全与标准管理局(FSSAI)近期宣布成立专家委员会,专门负责食品中盐、糖和脂肪的含量问题。百事可乐某高官称,公司目前正对其多种零食品牌进行研究,如香脆玉米棒(Kurkure)和乐事(Lays)薯条,考虑降低其盐含量和各种热量成分。FSSAI将在盐、糖和脂肪配方表上提供推荐摄入量的信息,并对餐厅食品中这些成分的显示数值进行规范。《经济时报》(Economic Times




摄入过量钠可导致心脏病,《发病率与死亡率周报》(Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report)近期刊登的CDC数据表明,90%以上的美国人食盐摄入过量。该研究发现,美国成年人日摄入钠含量将近3600毫克,远远高于2300毫克的推荐上限。然而,有些美国人已试图降低食盐摄入:将近一半的受访者表示,他们正在监测或降低钠摄入量;20%的人称,医生已经建议他们降低食盐摄入量。有报告显示,高血压患者摄入钠的情况较多,南方各州居民则存在此类问题,或已收到医务人员建议。据预测,从2010年到2030年,心血管疾病的医疗成本将增加三倍,从2730亿美元升至8180亿美元。研究人员还称,每天减少1200毫克钠摄入,则每年可节约180亿美元。《时代周刊》(TIME


《欧洲临床营养学》(European Journal of Clinical Nutrition)杂志的一项最新研究表明,餐厅食物可能和快餐一样不健康。虽然到餐厅就餐的消费者比到快餐厅就餐的消费者摄入更多健康成分,包括维生素、钾和ω-3脂肪酸,但是前者可能摄入更多钠。食用快餐使人们每天的钠摄入量平均增加300毫克,前往餐厅消费则增加412毫克。《每日电讯》(Telegraph



香草和香料能够给食物增添特有的且令人愉悦的气味和口味,它们通常用于烹饪过程,以创造或增强已有食物的风味,同时也能非常有效地降低食盐和脂肪含量。本文提供了一些用香料烹饪的窍门。《什里夫波特时报》(Shreveport Times


对于低钠饮食人士而言,早餐吐司是一项小小的挑战:一片面包通常包含大约200毫克钠,法国或发酵面包每片钠含量可能超过800毫克。虽然低钠面包和自制面包都是可以考虑的选择,但是豆腐吐司可能更加健康、美味。烤制豆腐吐司比将一片面包放进烤箱可能需要更多时间,但是对于低钠、无谷胶和崇尚传统的饮食人士而言,这种做法更有吸引力。本文还介绍了低钠鳄梨豆腐吐司的制作方法。雅虎健康(Yahoo! Health











June 20–July 3, 2015


School Lunches Are Creating a New Contraband in Indiana

Students in Blackford County, Indiana, have been caught bringing—and even selling—salt, pepper, and sugar to make cafeteria lunches taste better, a county school board official recently told a congressional panel considering whether to ease school lunch nutrition rules. “This ‘contraband’ economy is just one example of many that reinforce the call for flexibility,” said John Payne, president of the Blackford County School Board of Trustees. Payne was among state and local school officials asked to testify on how difficult it has been to comply with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 to combat childhood obesity and improve children’s diets. Although most Indiana schools have been certified as meeting the new rules, which went into effect in 2012, compliance is lower than in most states. – Indy Star


U.K. Government Urged to Take Tougher Stance on Salt, with Half of 7-Year-Olds Eating Too Much

Half of British 7-year-olds could be getting too much salt in their diet, putting them at increased risk for a stroke or heart attack as adults, according to a new study that tracked the amount of salt in the diets of more than 6,000 children. Children with the highest daily salt intake, 6.7 grams on average, had elevated blood pressure levels at ages 7, 9, 13, and 15. The researchers also found that children who consumed high amounts of salty foods at a young age were likely to continue to do so as they grew older. Bread, pizza, pasta, chips, and cereals were among the foods associated with high salt diets. – Independent


Mandatory Targets to Reduce Salt Would Reduce Excess Heart Disease Deaths in Deprived U.K. Areas

Mandatory targets to reduce salt in processed food would help reduce the inequalities in coronary heart disease that lead to excess deaths in deprived areas of England, according to research by the University of Liverpool. Comparing the effects of voluntary and mandatory salt reduction policies, the researchers used a model that combined expert forecasts of future policy implementation with data from national health surveys and evidence linking salt consumption to heart disease risk. If mandatory regulations were introduced, triggering the reformulation of food products to reduce their salt content, researchers estimate that about 4,500 cardiac deaths might be postponed or prevented by 2025, with the greatest benefits occurring in the most deprived groups. A voluntary salt reduction policy is estimated to prevent only 1,500 cardiac deaths. The researchers also estimate that improved nutrition labeling and health education would prevent about 500 cardiac deaths. – Medical Xpress


PepsiCo India to Reduce Salt and Sugar Content in Packaged Foods

PepsiCo has stepped up work on reducing salt and sugar in the beverages and snacks it sells in India amid growing public concern over high levels of some ingredients in packaged foods. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) recently announced creation of an expert committee to regulate the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in foods. A PepsiCo executive said that the company is currently researching low salt, low calorie variants of many of its snack brands, including Kurkure and Lay’s. FSSAI will provide recommendations on labeling of salt, sugar, and fat content and will prescribe regulations for displaying amounts of these ingredients in restaurant foods. – Economic Times


Most Americans Eat Too Much Salt

Consuming too much sodium can be a risk factor for heart problems, and new CDC data published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report show more than 90% of Americans eat too much salt. The study found that the average daily sodium intake among U.S. adults was nearly 3,600 milligrams, well above the daily recommended limit of 2,300 milligrams. Some Americans, however, are taking action to cut back: About half of those surveyed said they were monitoring or reducing their sodium intake, and 20% said they had received medical advice to do so. People with high blood pressure were more likely to report they were doing something about sodium, and people living in southern states were more likely to report such action or advice from medical providers. Medical costs for cardiovascular disease are predicted to triple from $273 billion to $818 billion between 2010 to 2030, and the researchers say that reducing sodium intake by 1,200 milligrams a day could save $18 billion in costs each year. – TIME


Restaurant Meals Are as Unhealthy as Fast Food, Survey Finds

Restaurant meals can be just as unhealthy as those from fast food establishments, according to a new study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Although they did consume more healthy nutrients—including vitamins, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids—than counterparts who visited fast food outlets, people who visited restaurants consumed more sodium. Eating fast food increased the amount of sodium people consumed per day by an average of 300 milligrams, while restaurant dining added 412 milligrams. – Telegraph


Reduce Salt and Fat by Using Aromatic Herbs

Aromatic herbs and spices, which can add unique and pleasant smells and flavors, are often used in cooking to create or complement existing food flavors, and they are a great way to reduce the amount of salt and fat in recipes.The article offers a few tips on cooking with aromatics. – Shreveport Times


Low Sodium Avocado Tofu Toast

For people on low sodium diets, morning toast poses a bit of a challenge: A single slice of bread often contains about 200 milligrams of sodium, and some types, like French or sourdough, may contain more than 800 milligrams of sodium per slice. While low sodium bread and homemade bread are both options to consider, tofu toast may offer an even healthier, tastier solution. Making baked tofu toast requires a little more time than placing a slice of bread in a toaster oven, but it can be great when entertaining low sodium, gluten-free, and paleo eaters. The article concludes with a recipe for avocado tofu toast. – Yahoo! Health




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