像达美乐这样的公司正在制作更加健康的食物,以便向学校销售。这引发了人们对于食品公司利用学校午餐的机会推广其品牌影响力的担忧。新颁布的学校餐食指导意见要求降低食物钠含量,这让达美乐公司的一款命名为Smart Slice的披萨更为火爆,现在正在向38个州的3000多所学校的餐厅输送。而该产品在2010年仅在三个州销售。这种披萨所用调料的钠含量比正常的少三分之一,不过学校订购该披萨这一举动,无疑相当于在学生当中为达美乐的品牌影响力做了市场推广。其它食品公司也正在通过降低钠含量的方式打入学校午餐市场。营养学家和消费者权益保护者警告说,这样替食品公司打广告,会使放学后学生们走进达美乐门店消费的可能性提升。芝加哥公立学校已经拒绝向其四十万学生供应类似改良产品,他们认为这些食物品牌可能会让学校教育学生养成良好饮食习惯的努力付诸一炬。
资讯来源:纽约时报(New York Times)
美国食品和药品管理局专员Margaret Hamburg说,该局正在准备一份自愿性的指导意见,以要求食品行业降低食物中的钠含量。最近在接受采访时她还指出,美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)对于减钠“非常感兴趣,也非常关注”。食品企业已经进行了一定程度的减钠,而且自从2010年医学研究所(IOM)发布报告指出食品企业没有在减钠方面取得足够的进展以来,各食品企业也做好了进一步减钠的准备。新的指导意见旨在通过逐渐的调整,使得消费者的味蕾可以慢慢适应,同时给予企业足够的时间开发低钠的食物。许多食品公司和零售商,包括沃尔玛、康尼格拉食品和赛百味餐馆,已经开始减少盐的使用。
该报道也出现在其它一些媒体上,包括华盛顿邮报、时代周刊、Health Affairs Blog, HealthDay, Food, Medical Xpress, Medical Daily, Inquisitr, and The Blaze。
资讯来源:葡萄牙时报(The Portugal News)
资讯来源:印度教徒报(The Hindu)
资讯来源:洛杉矶时报(Los Angeles Times)
资讯来源:格兰德岛独立报(Grand Island Independent)
资讯来源:路易斯维尔信使报(The Courier-Journal)
有任何问题或建议请联系美国疾病预防控制中心蔡颖女士(或Jessica Levings女士(JLEVINGS@CDC.GOV)。
June 6–19, 2014
The Domino’s Smart Slice Goes to School
Companies like Domino’s are making more healthful versions of their food to sell in schools, prompting concerns about the use of brands in the school lunch line. Driven by new school meal guidelines, Domino’s is delivering a pizza it calls the Smart Slice to more than 3,000 lunchrooms in 38 states, up from just 3 states in 2010. These pies contain one-third less sodium in the sauce, but they also give the students a hefty dose of marketing for the Domino’s brand, and many other companies are following the same path to the lunchroom. This raises the odds that when school lets out, students will head to a Domino’s shop, nutrition and consumer advocates warn. Chicago’s public schools already declined to serve reformulated products to their 400,000 students, saying the brands muddle efforts to teach better eating habits. – New York Times
Sodium Reduction Market by Ingredients Worth $1 Billion by 2018
The sodium reduction market is estimated to reach more than $1 billion by 2018, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 11% from 2013, according to a new report released by market research company MarketsandMarkets. In 2012, North America was the largest market, followed by Europe. Growing demand for processed foods, coupled with increasing awareness about health-conscious products, is significantly propelling growth in the food industry, which in turn is driving the market growth of these ingredients. In terms of the type segmentation, mineral salts dominate the market, followed by yeast extracts. Globally, bakery and confectionery is the largest application market, followed by meat products. – BusByway
FDA Prepping Long-Awaited Plan to Reduce Salt
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is preparing voluntary guidelines asking the food industry to lower sodium levels, said FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, who noted in a recent interview that sodium is “of huge interest and concern” to the agency. The food industry already has made some reductions, and it has prepared for government action since a 2010 Institute of Medicine report said companies had not made enough progress. The idea is to encourage gradual change so that consumers’ taste buds can adjust and to give companies time to develop lower sodium foods. Many food companies and retailers, including Wal-Mart, ConAgra Foods, and Subway restaurants, already have pushed to reduce salt. – Associated Press
This story was covered in several other outlets, including the Washington Post, TIME, Health Affairs Blog, HealthDay, Food, Medical Xpress, Medical Daily, Inquisitr, and The Blaze.
Portuguese Consume Double the Daily Recommended Salt Intake
A leading Portuguese blood pressure spokesperson has warned that parents are feeding their children too much sodium after a study found that Portuguese people consume twice the internationally recommended daily sodium intake. The study found that the average Portuguese consumer takes in 10.7 grams of salt per day—the equivalent of more than 4,100 milligrams of sodium. Speaking at the study’s launch, Fernando Pinto, head of the Portuguese Society for Hypertension, said, “There are children eating 8 grams of salt a day, when the maximum recommended amount for this age group is 3 grams.” – The Portugal News
Some U.K. Fish-and-Chip Shops Switching to Salt Shakers with Fewer Holes
Some fish-and-chip shops in the United Kingdom are switching to salt shakers with far fewer holes in a bid to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. Participating shops have swapped 17-hole shakers for 5-hole ones to encourage customers to sprinkle less seasoning on their meals. The National Health Service is providing the shakers and low sodium salt as part of the project. The shops also are being asked to display posters that tell diners, “Too much salt is bad for your heart. Fewer holes, less salt, healthier you.” The British group Consensus Action on Salt and Health claims each serving of fish and chips contains about 465 milligrams of sodium before any salt is added at the table. – Mirror
Three Varieties of Salt Introduced on Open Market in South India
The government of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu has released Amma Salt, an affordably priced quality common salt made by the Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation to help people of lower socioeconomic status. Three varieties will be available under the Amma Salt brand—double-fortified salt, refined free-flow iodized salt, and low sodium salt. The double-fortified variety helps those with anemic and goiter disorders, the refined free-flow salt helps those with hypothyroidism, and the low sodium salt is beneficial for those with high blood pressure and cardiac conditions. – The Hindu
Health Buzzwords on Food Labels Are Misleading Consumers, Study Finds
People say they want to make healthful choices, but “food marketers are taking advantage of them by misleading those consumers with deceptive labeling,” said Temple Northup, author of a new study published in the journal Food Studies. For example, Northup notes that the Chef Boyardee beef ravioli container claims to contain a full serving of vegetables; however, although the ingredient label lists tomatoes and carrots, the carrots rank behind salt in volume. Looking at two side-by-side nutrition panels, the participants were told the category but not the name of the product. Based just on those numbers, 33% of participants chose Spam as more healthful than salmon, and 79% chose the less healthful cereal in a pair. Consumers are confused, and no one wants to spend much time doing arithmetic to compare labels while they shop, Northup said. – Los Angeles Times
Nearly all Americans consume more sodium than they need, and often they do not know how much sodium they are consuming because taste alone may not make clear which foods are high in sodium. Most sodium comes from processed and ready-to-eat foods, which usually come in cans, jars, packages, and boxes. This article offers tips to become more sodium savvy, including reading Nutrition Facts panels to compare the sodium content for similar foods, serving more fresh foods and fewer processed foods, and modifying recipes that use high sodium ingredients. – Grand Island Independent
Understanding High Blood Pressure and Salt’s Impact
High blood pressure is a complicated disease and a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Unfortunately, it is difficult to treat high blood pressure effectively because the disease has many causes. This article describes some of the blood pressure basics, including the impact of sodium. The sodium in table salt (sodium chloride) attracts water and holds on to it. In the bloodstream, excess sodium pulls water in and keeps it circulating in the blood. In general, blood is about 50% fluid, but the fluid volume can go much higher if there is too much sodium present. Higher fluid volume equates to higher pressure. One of the first medications prescribed for high blood pressure is a diuretic, which helps the body excrete more fluid. However, reducing sodium intake could be an alternative route. Some people’s salt sensitivity can be pronounced, and reducing salt intake can have a significant effect on lowering blood pressure. – The Courier-Journal
Oregano Can Stave Off Salt Cravings, Study Finds
Salt can be found in a variety of dishes, but maintaining a diet that is low in sodium is crucial for heart health, especially for seniors. Although most chefs use herbs and spices to add flavor to dishes, a recent study from the American Society of Hypertension found that certain spices may have long-lasting effects on health. The study found that oregano may be able to stimulate the same senses as salt, providing a much healthier alternative for seniors in retirement communities. According to the study, individuals with high blood pressure experienced fewer cravings for salty foods after eating foods seasoned with oregano. – Sunrise Senior Living
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